Photo Credit: Malene Thyssen

My trip to Oslo is fast approaching, and Jul is just around the corner. While I’ve been informed that I’m missing all sorts of preparations that are exciting, such as the advent calendars and decorations going up, I can’t help but still remain starry-eyed myself at the idea of my first Norwegian Christmas!

Clearly, I was raised by wolves.

Today I tried my first attempt to wrap gifts. Let’s just say that my family isn’t really known for being gift-givers. While I was very spoiled with food, love, and even material possessions, once a person is past a certain age, my parents didn’t really see the necessity to provide lots of wrapped presents. Now, despite being an artist and having gone to college, my horrible wrapping genes appear to have overtaken any ability I may have ever had, and after about 20 minutes between me and a half-wasted roll of gift wrapping paper, I found myself saying into my phone, “OK, Google. Wikihow how to wrap gifts.”

Needless to say the resulting gift-wrapping wasn’t very impressive, and in fact is quite laughable. However, it was still incredibly enjoyable to be frustrated by such a minor, trivial thing. I’m incredibly lucky to have someone I want to shower with gifts that are wrapped in pretty paper, so despite all the frustrations, I am just glad to have this experience. I also put up snowflake twinkle lights in my bedroom to get me into the mood a bit more, to my boyfriend’s response of “That’s so American!”
